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Allie Kaelin

What Does Self-Care Actually Mean?

Self-care has become a hot topic in our culture, and for good reason! Influencers talk about their self-care all over Tik Tok, Instagram and Snapchat. It’s important that we all practice a regular self-care routine, and seeing reminders in the media is always a helpful reminder, but what does self-care actually mean? 

Are we supposed to be focusing on the amount of water we drink and wake up at the same time every day? Or does it have a physical meaning, like going to the gym everyday - even when I really don’t want to? 

Here is a super clear answer to all your questions about self-care: yes and no. I know, I know - not helpful. The thing about self-care is that it’s not a one size fits all activity. What works for you might not be right for someone else. Living a healthy lifestyle, eating well and staying active are important parts of life, and it’s awesome if that doubles as your ideal self-care. But if that’s not your forte, don’t sweat it! 

Self-care is about giving yourself time to recharge and to feel nourished. It’s especially important when we feel overwhelmed or burned out, but a daily version of self-care can help to prevent us from getting to that point. It could be a nap one day that helps you to feel refreshed and a walk outside on another day. 

Let’s explore a few different forms of self-care and how they might work for you! 

Exercise and Physical Movement

Movement helps to literally move feelings through and out of your body. Have you ever noticed that you feel better when you move around if you’ve been feeling anxious? It helps in expelling the energy and any other pent up emotions. This could be weight lifting, running, walks, hikes, yoga classes - any form you enjoy! 

Time with Friends and Family

Spending quality time with people you care about lowers stress and helps you feel socially cared about and taken care of. This includes pets! Curl up with your cat or give your dog some belly rubs - your brain will thank you with happy chemicals. 


Carve out some time to indulge in your favorite genre. Allow for your imagination to take center stage for a bit. 

Artistic Expression 

Whether it’s coloring, drawing, painting or making music, let your creativity fly! 

Cooking or Baking

Get lost in a new recipe! Play your favorite music and maybe even invite a friend over to enjoy the completed product.

Showering or Taking a Bubble Bath

Most romcoms include a bubble bath scene when the main character is in distress for a reason! Showering allows you to have uninterrupted time to yourself where you are, quite literally, taking care of yourself. Looking to vamp up your routine? Try a candle, shower steamers or relaxing music! 

This is not an exclusive list of self-care ideas - follow your gut towards whatever feels the most enjoyable and relaxing to you. Pay attention to what you are naturally drawn to as it could provide insight to certain areas of life that need additional attention. 

A final piece of advice - try to implement self-care practices that are different from how you spend most of your day. If you’re an athletic trainer, you might try a quiet activity at home. Or if you work in a small office all day, it might feel amazing to get together with friends whenever possible. 

The best form of self-care for you can change based on circumstances and what’s available to you. If you’d like help exploring what self-care looks like for you, please schedule your free 15 minute consultation to get started with therapy in Dublin, CA with me today. 

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